Thursday, February 10, 2011

Coffee English

Founded in 1822, the Cafe Anglais, at the corner of Boulevard des Italiens and the Rue Marivaux, near the Opera Comique, became at the end of the Second Empire, the most snobbish of all coffee and the latest trend in throughout Europe.
While its facade is particularly austere, the interior is particularly cozy woodwork of mahogany and walnut, patina shiny mirrors gold leaf ...
Its private rooms are home to a wealthy clientele accompanied by "casserole". In all, there are 22 private rooms and lounges including the Grand scroll 16 which saw the most Parisian and foreign dignitaries.
Admittedly, the "Café Anglais" is fashionable but there short to sample the cuisine of one of the most famous chefs in Paris, Adolphe Dugléré.
He is described as a taciturn and stern leader who requires high quality raw materials and has the greatest contempt for the drunks, as well as for tobacco smokers.
He is Germiny soup, soup doubling capitalist since, sorrel, and dedicated to Count Germiny, Governor of the Bank of France. And that's one of those famous courtesans of the Second Empire, Anna Deslions, Dugléré that will create the "Pommes Anna."
Adolphe Dugléré, train Andre Terrail future boss of the Tour d'Argent. It was he who composed the famous dinner menu says "Three Emperors" who met the Tsar Alexander II, Tsarevich Alexander, King of Prussia William I and Bismarck. We are in 1867 at the Exposition Universelle in Paris.
In short, a cafe that had the name of coffee ...
The restaurant disappeared shortly before the First World War.
According to artistic and literary cafes of Paris, published in 1882, it says they met at the Cafe Anglais for "banquet, lunches fine delicate dinners, suppers or sparkling champagne." The author rightly points out that if since the Restoration, "many political regimes have followed, generations have been replaced by others, the Cafe Anglais was maintained through the crises and changes" among those contributed to the reputation of the Cafe Anglais, are: Alfred de Musset, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Alexandre Dumas, Roger de Beauvoir. "The Comte de Saint-Cricq it comes to fantasies, in the parlance of the year of grace 1881 be called jokes of humbug."
The author adds: "The Duc de Grammont-Caderousse was a faithful coffee and he led a band of revelers and girls fashion. Roger de Beauvoir in the diners of my time and Fervaques - Léon Duchemin in the Memoirs a pickled, wrote the history of the Cafe Anglais. Both diners were killed one after long suffering, the other suddenly, without pain. "
Many writers made use of the decor of the Cafe Anglais for its intrigues. Balzac and led to the Cafe Anglais and Mrs. Rastignac Nucingen and Lucien Rubempre. Flaubert, Sentimental Education in the lunch there is Frederic Moreau, Henry James there is a few scenes in "The American."

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